The Holy Stavropegic Monastery of Agios Antonios in Siapka is located 12km away from the village of Kastania and 20km from the town of Servia. It is a monastery of fortress architecture, built according to the byzantine model and as a building set, was a small castle. The ownership of the Monastery fell under the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. It is a stavropegic establishment, under the supervision of the Bishopric of Servia. It was a priory with many monks. In 1750 it was abandoned, as written in various documents and the monks moved to Demerades, where they had Glebe. Its fortune was immense. Besides the parts of Siapka, the estates of the monastery were “Vouvala”, “Farmaki” and “Vourpa”. Only the entrance parts (bifoliate door), the icon of Saint Antonios, a part of the hospice and the abbey, some cells and a byzantine fountain with 3 carved letters («αωβ=1802» the fountain’s building date) are saved today. There are also two huge chains, with which they tied the mentally ill. Saint Antonios was a healer of certain illnesses. People with problems visited the monastery, tied themselves with the chains, asking for the Saint’s protection and help.

There were also rare byzantine icons and murals that were seriously damaged, throughout the years. The religious fair takes place each year on the 1st of September. The contribution of the monastery was immense during all the fights for deliverance.