The municipality of Servia - Velvento , involving in the project «Smart Tourism» program SMART + - ” Mini- Programme for the Promotion of Research and Technological Development and Innovation in SMEs ” , the Community Initiative INTERREG IVC, aims to boost local economy by promoting the tourism potential of the municipality.

The aim of the project to enhance the attractiveness of partners as tourist destinations , in order to create better and more comprehensive offerings, new or improved services and new high-skilled jobs . Central to the action is the role of innovative services in the field of tourism and visibility through information sessions entitled “Innovative Services and their Role in Tourism & Local Products “.

The first workshop will be held on Wendsday, October 9th, 2013 at 16:30 in Hall City Council D. Serbia - Velvento , Freedom Square , Serbia.

The main purpose is to inform and sensitize the public, with emphasis on opinion leaders, agencies , associations , local authorities and all kinds involved with tourism.